Pictures from The 1998 Rush Midwest TabCon

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The following pictures were taken by Katherine H. Moore. They've been cropped, resized and color-corrected from the original pictures to conserve both disk space and transfer times.

Sean J. and Dan man the bass and synth. Dave on the drums. Jimmy on keyboards.
Mike on guitar. Al sings on "Tears". Adrienne sings. Dave, Jimmy, Sean J. and Dan back her up.
A psychedelic jam with Sean C., Adrienne, Sean J. and Mike. John T. practices his guitar chops. Matt and Jimmy jam. Al shoots the action.
Sean C's "Mystery Machine". Sean C. practices on the classical guitar. "Broon's Bane" anyone? Adrienne on the drums.
How did we get all that gear in there? Brian jams with a little help from Adrienne. Sean C. jams and sings; Adrienne keeps him in time!
Dave still playing the drums. Performers and spectators enjoy the show. Jimmy lets loose on the drums!
Sean C., Al, Dave, John F. and Sean J. play on "Different Strings". Sean J., Jimmy and Mike. Front cover of disc 1 for the official '98 MWTC CDs.
Back cover of disc 1 for the official '98 MWTC CDs.

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